October 25, 1944

    198 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432, 433, and 434 squadrons attacked the oil plant at Homberg. The crews were over the target between 16,000 and 19,000 feet releasing 1,813,000 lbs of high explosives. The oil plant was cloud covered at the time of attack.

    P/O L. Case of 408 Squadron returned early as the hydraulics were u/s and the undercarriage could not be raised.
    F/O D. Brown had the port outer and stbd inner go u/s on the return flight. Over England the port outer propellor flew off. The crew bailed our safely on the pilots orders. F/O Brown was able to landed the Halifax safely at Woodhall Spa.

    F/O C. Chartier of 415 squadron had the stbd outer go u/s outbound.the crew bombed from 10,000 feet and returned safely to base on 3 engines.
    S/Ldr. J. Hovey was hit by flak over the target, there were holes in the tail plane.

    F/O E. Johnston of 420 squadron returned early. The stbd inner was u/s, they landed safely at base on 3 engines.
    F/Lt. F. McCarthy landed at Leiston on return.
    F/O V. Glover was hit by a 500 and 1,000 lb bomb over the target. The 1,000 lb bomb passed through the port wing between the engines taking out 2 fuel tanks. The 500 lb bomb hit the stbd elevator damaging it. The crew was able to bring this damaged aircraft back to base without injuries.

    F/O J. Prentice of 429 squadron returned early. The port inner was u/s after takeoff. They climbed to 10,000 feet and restarted the engine but it oversped. Crew returned safely to base on 3 engines.
    F/O L. Keelan was hit by flak, it was not serious.

    F/O A. Bews of 432 squadron returned early. The stbd outer was u/s, they landed safely at base on 3 engines.

    P/O J. Kelly of 433 squadron returned early. Stbd outer was u/s, they landed safely at base on 3 engines.

    F/O I. Andres of 434 squadron was hit by flak, there was holes in the fuselage near the nose. There were no injuries and the crew returned safely to base.

    While the Halifaxes were attacking homberg, 46 Lancasters from 419 and 428 squadrons attacked essen. crews  were over the target at between 18,000 and 21,000 feet, releasing 184,000 lbs of high explosive and 321,000 lbs of incendiaries. The Krupps factories were hit hard on this raid.

    F/O P. Griffiths of 419 squadron had the stbd inner go u/s over the target, crew returned safely to base on 3 engines.

    F/Lt A. Googe of 428 Squadron was hit by flak. The bomb aimer was injured but not seriously.
    F/O R. Dench was hit by flak. There were holes in both wings, fuselage, stbd fin and rudder. The crew returned safely to base.
    F/Lt T. Nichol-Carne had the port inner catch fire over the target. The fire was put out and the crew returned safely to base on 3 engines.
    F/O F. Raftery RCAF and crew, flying Lancaster X KB-737 coded NA-R, failed to return from this operation. 

      Sgt. L. Toneri, RCAF
      F/O H Wright, RCAF
      F/O H. Armstrong, RCAF
      F/Sgt. W. Bartlemay, RCAF
      Sgt. R. Knight, RCAF
      Sgt. R. Gray, RCAF--POW
    Only one crew member survived.